Väderstad Carrier XT trailed disc cultivator in a field

Carrier XT 425-625 - Trailed

Optimized tillage performance

The trailed models of Carrier XT 425-625 is a foldable disc cultivator with discs positioned in an x-shape, available in 4.25, 5.25 or 6.25 metre working width. With an easy machine setting as well as rotating disc axles, Carrier XT is built to optimize the tillage result depending on the working depth.

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Part of the Carrier concept

Carrier is a disc cultivator used for high speed primary tillage and seedbed preparation. The wide range of front tools, discs and packers enables Carrier to handle the versatile challenges of modern farming – from ultra-shallow cultivation to a deeper incorporation. The versatility it brings to the farm saves passes, decreases machine cost per hectare and provides the best start possible for the coming crop.

Learn more about the Carrier concept

Väderstad Carrier with discs according to requirement

Discs according to requirement

Carrier 420-820 can be fitted with either 450mm discs or 470mm TrueCut discs. Both discs produces fine tilth optimal for a stale seedbed. 

The 450mm disc has small cut-outs, resulting in an intensive cultivation even at a very shallow working depth. The 470mm TrueCut disc has larger cut-outs which can handle more crop residue with increased penetration.

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Intensive ultra-shallow tillage with CrossCutter Disc

Intensive ultra-shallow tillage

CrossCutter Disc performs outstanding in oilseed rape stubble and in cover crops, while also enabling great advantages in grain stubble as well as on ploughed land. Because of its disc shape and high quality Swedish steel, CrossCutter Disc provides full cut-out and intensive mixing at shallow working depth. This means that an extensive stale seedbed is created over the entire field.

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Väderstad X-disc runs straight behind the tractor

X stands for x-disc

The discs are positioned in an x-shape, which enables the lateral forces to cancel each other out. The x-disc format guarantees that the machine will always run dead straight behind the tractor. This saves diesel but is also essential when using a GPS guidance system or when driving in hilly conditions.

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CrossCutter Knife adds versatility

By equipping Carrier 500 and Carrier 650 with the intensive knife roller CrossCutter Knife, crop residues can be cut in two directions. Weeds and small-seeded crops, such as oilseed rape, profit from an improved germination. A benefit after grain or sunflowers is the intensified chopping of the straw, giving a faster decomposition. Additionally, cover crops can be crushed and incorporated cost efficiently.

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Väderstad Carrier CrossBoard heavy for perfect levelling

CrossBoard Heavy for perfect levelling

With CrossBoard Heavy, clods are crushed and the soil is levelled. A double acting stabilising bar increases levelling capacity.

The CrossBoard is equipped with master and slave cylinders, which ensures a level work result by maintaining the position of each CrossBoard section.

On ploughed heavy land, CrossBoard Heavy enables Carrier to prepare a well prepared seedbed which in turn reduces the number of passes required.

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Väderstad Carrier X heavy-duty design for long working life

Heavy-duty design for long working life

With a strong tube frame and heavy-duty joints, Carrier X is constructed to withstand heavy stresses. 

You benefit from a long working life with exceptional working results in the field.

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Product concept

Zone 1 - Front tools

Whether you require a stale seedbed, levelling of ploughed land or cover crop incorporation, the optional front tools offer versatility to different farming requirements.

CrossCutter Knife

CrossBoard Heavy

Zone 2 - Intensive cutting and mixing

Two rows of high quality V-55 hardened Swedish steel discs aggressively cuts and mixes harvest residues down to 12cm working depth. The conical shape of the discs ensures a long working life and good crumbling of the soil.

CrossCutter Disc

CrossCutter Disc Aggressive

450mm discs

TrueCut 470mm discs

Zone 3 - Reconsolidation

Carrier can be equipped with packers suitable for a wide range of field conditions. The rubber suspension on the packer absorbs shocks and extends the working life of the frame and the packer.

Single SteelRunner

Double SteelRunner

CageRunner HeavyDuty

Single SoilRunner

Double SoilRunner

Following harrow

Tiller tines

Technical data

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