Farmers share their Tempo planter success stories

Under the theme “We are Tempo farmers”, 20 farmers from 7 countries tell their success stories from planting with the high-speed precision planter Väderstad Tempo. Together with thousands of farmers all over the world, these are some of the Tempo farmers of today.

- Since the launch to the market in 2012, thousands of farmers worldwide have seen their farmland reach its full potential thanks to the Väderstad Tempo planter. By letting Tempo farmers share their success stories, we aim to inspire even more farmers to take the next step in precision planting, says Mattias Hovnert, SVP Global Sales and Marketing, at Väderstad, and adds:

- “Tempo brings us an additional income and more profit” says a German farmer. “Thanks to Tempo we were able to plant at optimal agronomical conditions” says a farmer from Poland. “Our Tempo replaces two other planters” says a farmer from Russia. Each Tempo farmer have his own success story to tell.

The Tempo planter is available in several models and configurations from 4 to 24 row units. All Tempo planters share the same world-record seed metering technology called Väderstad PowerShoot.

- Every component on the Tempo planter is built to ensure the exact same start for all seeds. It delivers an exact seed spacing, even seed depth and no overlap planting on headlands. On top of this, the planting precision is always the same irrespective of outside influences such as speed, vibrations, slopes or varying field conditions, says Mattias Hovnert, and continues:

- Since Tempo increases planting capacity, making it possible to cover a large area in shorter time, while also improving planting precision, it offers several ways to increase net profit on the farm.

The campaign “We are Tempo farmers” includes 20 farmers from seven countries - France, Germany, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Hungary. All stories is available on the Väderstad website.

Thousands of farmers have seen their farmland find its full potential thanks to the Väderstad Tempo planter. Meet some of these farmers here

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