Väderstad strengthens its presence in Finland

Sebastian Baarman

The Swedish tillage and seed drill manufacturer Väderstad has decided to invest further in strengthening its presence in the Finnish market by recruiting a new force with a focus entirely on Finland. From the first of August, Sebastian Baarman, agrologist, will be responsible for the Finnish market at Väderstad.

Baarman has previously worked as a machine salesman at Hankkija, Finland's nationwide reseller chain for agricultural-related products and machines. With this recruitment, Väderstad is deepening its cooperation with Hankkija Oy in Finland. Baarman contributes with solid product knowledge and his role includes, among other things, supporting with technical support and training of sales and service staff.

– With Sebastian Baarman, Väderstad is increasing its market presence in the Finnish market. We have been working close to Finnish farmers since the early 1980s. Among other things, our legendary seed drill Rapid has achieved great success in the Finnish market. The same applies to our tillage machines. With Sebastian Baarman in place, we can increase our support for Finnish farmers, says Bo Stark, Nordic Manager at Väderstad.

Baarman can be reached on telephone number +358 40 70 40 340 and by e-mail at: sebastian.baarman@vaderstad.com.

If you require more information, do not hesitate to contact:

Bo Stark

Bo Stark

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