Denmark becomes part of Väderstad Nordic

Väderstad Denmark becomes a part of Väderstad Nordic, under the leadership of Bo Stark.

Väderstad, one of the world’s leading companies in tillage, seeding and planting, makes changes for the current setup in Denmark. Moving forward, Väderstad Denmark will be part of the Väderstad Nordic group of sales companies.

The last couple of years, Väderstad has made some key changes to its Nordic setup. Finland and Norway today have their own country Sale Managers, while still working under the Väderstad Nordic umbrella with Bo Stark as Sales Manager for the whole Nordic market. Bo Stark is a member of Väderstad’s owner family, as the son of the Rune and Siw Stark who founded Väderstad in 1962.

Now it’s time for Denmark to also become a part of Väderstad Nordic, and Asger Jörgensen will be the country Sales Manager for Denmark moving forward.

– Denmark was one of our first foreign markets and has always been one of Väderstad’s most important markets. With this change we want to create a stronger bond between Danish farmers, our factory in Sweden and our product development. Moving forward we will have an increased focus on Danish farming conditions in our development strategies and be even closer to our Danish farmers, says Bo Stark, Director Sales & Marketing at Väderstad Nordic.

Väderstad will keep the current office in Denmark, as well as our Danish team, while this change will mean closer ties and more support from colleagues in Sweden.

– During the last years, we made some changes regarding our dealership structure in Denmark. We now think that we found a good position on the market, and we have strong plans for the future, says Asger Jörgensen who now becomes the responsible Sales Manager for Väderstad in Denmark.

Bo Stark

Bo Stark

Myyntipäällikkö Pohjoismaat