Väderstad Rexius roller in a field

Rexius 650-1230

The heavy-duty roller

Rexius 650-1230 is a heavy-duty roller, available in six different models from 6.5 to 12.3 metre working width. Rexius has a heavy-duty construction, resulting in a long working life and minimal downtime on the field. With a weight up to 650kg per working metre, you benefit from an improved consolidation.

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Selected features

Väderstads unique suspension

Unique suspension maximises working life

The rubber suspension of the roller bearings absorbs impacts. This eliminates heavy shocks and significantly increases the working life of bearings, rings and the machines frame. 

The bearings are double-sealed to prevent dust from entering.

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Väderstad ingenious weight transfer

Ingenious weight transfer

To ensure an even load on the outer section of the wider Rexius models, a heavy-duty spring transfers weight from the neighbouring sections. This further guarantees stones are effectively pressed down, without compromising the levelling result.

Since there is an even load distribution over the other sections, this eliminates the need for hydraulic weight transfer.


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Heavy-duty construction

Rexius has a powerful frame, maintenance-free joints, hardened bushes and high quality roller rings, ensuring a long working life. The rollers are equipped with axles made of micro-alloyed special steel of the highest quality. To minimise ring wear in the field, Rexius is fitted with unique spring plates between the roller sections.

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Väderstad Cambridge ring

Cambridge - The universal ring

The ideal ring for traditional rolling in leys or growing crops, after drilling or in spring. The large serrated ring is designed to give a driving action, while the narrow ring gives the roller a soil cultivating ability, while also acting as a cleaner.

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Väderstad Cambridge HeavyDuty ring

Cambridge HeavyDuty – Maximum consolidation

Where an extra reconsolidating effect is required to restore capillarity, the large diameter and heavy weight of the Cambridge HeavyDuty ring offers benefits.  

The larger diameter decreases bulldozing, a benefit in lighter soils. 

Cambridge HeavyDuty has a 5-year ring warranty, increasing ownership cost-control. 

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Väderstad Crosskill ring

Crosskill - Increased cultivation

Crosskill is soil cultivating ring with aggressive profile that leaves a loose, crusting resistant surface while reconsolidating the soil at depth. 

The different ring diameters not only give a self-cleaning effect but also offset behaviour, processing more soil in light conditions and consequently lowering the draught requirement.

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CrossBoard Heavy for perfect levelling

With CrossBoard Heavy, clods are crushed and the soil is levelled. A double acting stabilising bar increases levelling capacity.

The CrossBoard is equipped with master and slave cylinders, which ensures a level work result by maintaining the position of each CrossBoard section.

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Väderstad Single or Double knife

Crust and clod breaking

With the SingleKnife or DoubleKnife fitted on the CrossBoard Heavy, the cultivation effect is upgraded further. The SingleKnife cuts clods in the top soil in order to reduce clod sizes. Where there is a hard crust, the DoubleKnife breaks the surface to allow the crop to emerge. Since the action is directed forwards, you benefit from an intense cultivation without ripping up the soil. Both SingleKnife and DoubleKnife are easy to fit without the need for tools, using the Väderstad QuickChange system. 

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Man picking up stones

Pick up stones when you see them

Rolling is often a perfect opportunity to clear the field of stones that have come up to the surface during tillage or frost periods. 

With the standard fitted stone trays, large amounts of stones can be picked up quickly and easily. After rolling, the field is left ready for drilling or harvesting with no risk of stone damage to machinery.

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Väderstad Rexius in transport

Easy to transport

Rexius offer great mobility, both on the field and in transport. 

The folding technique of the roller lowers the centre of gravity, thereby making transport safer. Despite Rexius wide working width, the transport width is 2.5 metres.

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Väderstad BioDrill slug control

A key ingredient in slug control

A BioDrill mounted on the bigger models, Rexius 1020 and Rexius 1230, opens up an additional possibility.   

By mounting the BioDrill spreader plate behind the packer, it is possible to spread granules or slug pellets together with the roller operation.

Thanks to the heavy consolidation of the roller, combined with BioDrill´s precise and even distribution over the entire working width.

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Biodrill mounted on Rexius

BioDrill turns Rexius into a seed drill

With the mountable small-seeder BioDrill it is possible to seed ley, catch crops and other small-seeded crops together with the rolling operation. This saves passes, time and money. The seed is evenly spread in front of the roller. The roller then buries the seeds in the upper topsoil, where the conditions for germination are good.

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Product concept

Zone 1 - Crushing and levelling

Rexius offers the possiblity to add a levelling effect and crushing of clods infront of the roller rings.

CrossBoard Heavy



Zone 2 - Consolidation

To fit different farming needs, Rexius can be equipped with different roller rings. The rings are rubber suspended to absorb impacts, thus maximising working life.


Cambridge HeavyDuty


Tandem wheels

Technical data

Rexius 650 820 940 1020 1230
Effective working width (m) 6,5 8,2 9,4 10,2 12,3
Transport width (m) 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5
Transport height (m) 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5
Number of sections 3 5 5 5 5
Weight with Cambridge (kg) 3300 4100 4400 4700 5800
Weight with Crosskill (kg) 3300 4100 4400 4700 N/A
Weight with Cambridge HeavyDuty (kg) 4300 5600 6200 6500 7400
Recommended working speed (km/h) 12 12 12 12 12
Brakes N/A P P P P
Wheel dimension (support wheel) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Wheel dimension (transport wheel) 400/60x15,5 400/60x15,5 400/60x15,5 400/60x15,5 400/60x15,5
Hydraulic requirement (DA)* 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
Draught requirement from (hp) 70 90 100 110 120
Väderstad has made every attempt to accurately portray our product lineup. However, due to our commitment to continually innovate our technologies to provide our customers the best possible products, some products may not be manufactured as shown on this site. Exact specifications for each product will be confirmed at the time of ordering.
LS = Load sensing    FR = Free return    DA = Double acting 
H = Hydraulic    P = Pneumatic     

*If equipped with CrossBoard 2 DA is needed.

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