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The evolution of precision
For more than thirty years, Vaderstad’s innovative air seeder line-up has been a leader in ground-breaking innovations, like the Seed Hawk opener, Sectional Control® Technology, the iCon® Wireless Control System, and Fenix III metering. The seeding systems are designed with Precision Delivery Air Carts and Seed Hawk Air Drills that work together to provide precise seed and fertilizer placement resulting in a higher quality crop and more grain in the bin.

It starts with sound agronomics
Seed Hawk Air Seeders are built on and inspired by precision agronomy. Producing the best crop starts with precise, accurate seeding with optimum fertilizer placement.

Efficiency in one pass
At the heart of all Seed Hawk Air Drills is the opener assembly. Each Seed Hawk Opener follows the ground independently by pivoting at the frame.
The knife in front aerates and warms the soil, placing the fertilizer. The trailing seed knife buries the fertilizer band before placing the seed on a separate shelf above and to the side of the fertilizer.
The packer wheel acts as a depth gauge and seals the soil surface. A hydraulic cylinder provides adjustable packing and penetration pressure for the seed and fertilizer knives, all in one pass.

Accurate seed depth, every time
Accurate seed depth results in greater seedling vigour which produces quick, even crop emergence. The uniform depth of planting improves timing for pesticide application and harvest operations which results in superior grain quality and higher yields.
At an optimal ¾” (19 mm) depth, the seed is shallow enough to allow the crop to emerge before the weeds, but deep enough to be placed in moisture required for germination.

Optimal fertilizer placement
The second pillar of precision agronomics is precision fertilizer placement. Feeding the crop, not the weeds, makes more nutrients readily available to plants when they need it most.
Reaching full yield potential requires early-season access to nutrients, which is compromised when nutrients are placed too far from, or too close to the seed row.
Fertilizer placed ¾" (19 mm) deeper and 1½" (38 mm) to the side of the seed guarantees the ideal separation between seed and fertilizer for seedling safety.

Results in higher yield
The seed and fertilizer placement you can expect from Seed Hawk openers used as part of a complete precision seeding system will get your crops off to a safe, fast start and a high-yielding finish.
In a wide range of crops and conditions, Seed Hawk customers report improved yields when comparing a competitor seed drill with a Seed Hawk seeding system.