Väderstad farm machinery is built to create the optimum environment allowing for perfect emergence in your field. Whether it’s cultivation, seedbed preparation or seed placement, our vision is to ensure perfect emergence to maximise yields.

Together we will make you an even more successful farmer.

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Väderstads Know How channel

Know How - Effective farming methods

We know that you – as well as farmers worldwide – constantly search for ways to farm at an even more effective manner. Since we find this to be very important, we want to share our knowledge with you on this subject.

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Väderstad service and parts

A great ownership

Owning a Väderstad machine means a life-long partnership with excellent service and support.

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Latest news

Unlocking Crop Potential: The Benefits of Precision Seeding and Optimal Plant Stands

Väderstad's Fenix III metering system, combined with the dual-knife opener system on the Seed Hawk air drill, ensures precise product delivery and proper soil placement, leading to optimal plant growth and a greater return on investment.

Experience the Väderstad PD 1350 Precision Delivery Air Cart

Join Jeff Prosko from Rose Valley, Saskatchewan, as he shares his experience with the brand new PD 1350 Precision Delivery Air Cart. Jeff and his family run a diverse farming operation, and this spring, they had the opportunity to put the PD 1350 to the test on their canola fields.

Väderstad introduces the long-life Following harrow Marathon

One of the world’s leading companies in tillage, seeding and planting will introduce a new following harrow in the beginning of 2024, as a compliment to the current assortment. The new Following harrow Marathon will drastically increase the working life of the finishing tool.