Väderstad Disc cultivator Carrier XL 1225

Carrier XL 925-1225

Enormous depth capacity

Carrier XL 925-1225 is a trailed disc cultivator, available with 9.25 or 12.25m working width. It can be fitted with 510 or 610mm discs. The sizes of the discs make them well suited to incorporate large amounts of crop residues even at depth. The disc angle can be adjusted according to working depth. With a high working speed, it has a working capacity of up to 16 hectares per hour. This lowers the capital costs per hectare to minimum.

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Osa Carrier konsepti

Carrier is a disc cultivator used for high speed primary tillage and seedbed preparation. The wide range of front tools, discs and packers enables Carrier to handle the versatile challenges of modern farming – from ultra-shallow cultivation to a deeper incorporation. The versatility it brings to the farm saves passes, decreases machine cost per hectare and provides the best start possible for the coming crop.

Learn more about the Carrier concept

Selected features

Väderstad kiekot suuremmile työsyvyyksille

Kiekot mahdollistavat suuremman työsyvyyden

Carrier XL voidaan varustaa joko 510 mm tai 610 mm TrueCut -kiekoilla. Carrier Classic -malleihin verrattuna on 510 mm kiekon kehä huomattavasti suurempi, mikä parantaa maan ja kasvijätteiden läpivirtausta. 610 mm kiekolla taas pystyy muokkaamaan vieläkin syvemmälle, mikä on eduksi silloin, kun kasvijätettä on poikkeuksellisen paljon, esim. maissin sänkeä, nurmea tai kerääjäkasveja muokattaessa.

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Väderstad MultiSet offers versatility

MultiSet offers versatility

The adjustable MultiSet disc hubs allow the disc angle to be set to one of three positions between 11 and 17 degrees. This enables the disc aggressiveness to be adjusted to fit different working depths. 

Thereby a perfect slicing can be achieved during shallow cultivation, and a good penetration can be ensured at a greater working depth. 

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Disc Configurator

To meet differing farming needs, Väderstad offers a wide range of discs for disc cultivators. With the right choice of discs you are able to optimise the working result on your fields, providing the best start possible for the next crop.

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Väderstad Carrier in field
Väderstad Carrier XL 1225 the obvious choice for 12m CTF

The obvious choice for 12m CTF

The large Carrier XL 1225 has a working width of 12.25m, this gives a slight overlap required in a 12m CTF-system.  

Thanks to the x-disc layout, the machine will always run dead straight behind the tractor. This is essential when using GPS-control or when cultivating in hilly terrain.

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Väderstad Carrier easy and safe to transport

Easy and safe to transport

Carrier XL 925-1225 uses the unique Väderstad folding system, giving a fast transition from field to transport. The folding technique has been designed to give the machine a low centre of gravity, resulting in safe manoeuvring.

When folded the transport width is 3m. 

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Väderstad Carrier even weight distribution

Even weight – even result

Carrier XL 925-1225 is equipped with weight packages in the wing sections. This ensures the weight is evenly distributed across the entire working width without the need for complex hydraulic solutions.

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Väderstad Disc cultivator Carrier heavy duty frame construction

Heavy duty frame – long working life

Carrier XL 925-1225 has an extremely robust frame, ensuring a long working life even in the toughest conditions. Its few greasing points reduces the maintenance required leading to more time in field.

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Väderstad Carrier with BioDrill

BioDrill turns Carrier into a seed drill

Equipped with the mountable small seeder BioDrill 360, Carrier XL 925-1225 becomes a precise seed drill allowing fast establishment of small-seeded crops, such as oilseed rape and cover crops.

The integrated ground radar provides perfect speed detection. Additionally, the high fan capacity ensures an equal distribution over the entire working width, irrespective of seed size.

BioDrill results in reduced operating costs and time saved.

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Product concept

Zone 1 - Intensive cutting and mixing

Two rows of high quality V-55 hardened Swedish steel discs aggressively cuts and mixes harvest residues down to 16cm working depth. The conical shape of the discs ensures a long working life and good crumbling of the soil.

TrueCut 510mm kiekot

TrueCut 610mm kiekot

Zone 2 - Reconsolidation

Carrier can be equipped with packers suitable for a wide range of field conditions. The rubber suspension on the packer absorbs shocks and extends the working life of the frame and the packer.

Yksinkertainen SteelRunner

Technical data

Carrier XL 925 1225
Tehokas työleveys (m) 9,15 12,15
Jyrän leveys(m) 9,25 12,25
Kuljetusleveys (m) 3 3
Kuljetuskorkeus(m) 4 4
Paino SteelRunner (kg) 10400 13100
Kiekkojen lkm 76+1 100+1
Kiekkoväli (cm) 25 25
Kiekkojen kulma 11-17 11-17
Jarrut H/P H/P
Suositeltu työnopeus (km/h) 10-14 10-14
Kuljetuspyörien koko (vakio) 400/60-15.5 520/50-17
Kuljetuspyörien koko (lisävaruste) 520/50-17 N/A
Hydrauliikan tarve (DV) 2 2
Vetotehontarve alk. (hk) 340 400
Väderstad on yrittänyt kaikin tavoin kuvailla tuotteita oikein. Mutta johtuen jatkuvasta halustamme kehittää tuotteitamme sekä menetelmiämme, parhaiden mahdollisten tuotteiden tarjoamiseksi asiakkaillemme, ovat tietyt tiedot voineet muuttua. Jokaisen tuotteen tarkat yksityiskohdat tullaan varmistamaan tilausajankohtana. 
LS=Kuormantunteva    FR =Vapaa paluu    DV = Kaksitoiminen
H = Hydraulinen   P=Pneumaattinen   N/A = Ei saatavana
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