Väderstad has delivered approx. 40 Tempos, mainly the Tempo V, to Holland. The three-point linkage Tempo V fulfils a need for easily manoeuvered precision seed drills that can be simply manoeuvred to plant all areas of small or irregularly shaped fields. With an hectare cost of €60,000 per hectare, every single square metre must be used optimally.
Contractors appreciate the easy-to-handle planter and the possibility to sow several crops using just the one machine. Where they previously needed several machines to carry out the planting, now all they need is one.
Contractors appreciate the easy-to-handle planter and the possibility to sow several crops using just the one machine. Where they previously needed several machines to carry out the planting, now all they need is one.
The crop sown most often using the Tempo V in Holland is maize silage. Around 230,000 hectare will be sown during the second half of April.
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Contractors appreciate the easy to handle planter
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