As the upcoming planting season approaches, growers are turning their attention to planting activities and finalizing the details surrounding operations in the field. The optimization of plant stand is a critical component of achieving a successful crop in terms of both yield and quality. While seeding rate is typically measured by weight, usually pounds per acre, it is very important to determine rate by product volume instead which typically is seeds per square foot or acre. Crop organizations and agronomists provide recommendations on ideal plant stands in the field on a plants per area basis and it’s important to set seeding rates in the same fashion, for all crops.
When setting the seeding rate on an implement, it’s very important to account for the weight of the seed lot, typically expressed in thousand kernel weight (TKW), as this number can vary greatly by lot and variety. In Väderstad's wheat trials conducted in 2024, seed lot weights ranged from 28 grams to 42 grams TKW which creates a substantial difference in terms of the amount of seed being metered if the same pounds per acre seeding rate is used. Additionally, important factors to take into consideration when determining seeding rate include seed lot germination, seed lot vigor, field moisture conditions, variety selection and potential insect pressure. Click here to acces the Väderstad seed rate calculator, used to convert between seed volume and seed population. Use it to easily find your correct seed rate, by converting between lbs/acre and seeds/ft2.
Producing an ideal plant stand that maximizes crop development requires seeds to be as evenly spaced in the row as possible, and at a consistent depth. If seeds are placed too close together, or at uneven depth, inter-plant competition prevents seeds from reaching their full potential and more seed is required to produce the plant stand required to achieve yield. The Fenix III metering found on Väderstad's Precision Delivery Air Carts, combined with the dual-knife opener system found on the Seed Hawk Air Seeder, work in tandem to deliver the correct rate of product and achieve proper placement in the soil. With optimization of product delivery and soil placement, the result is optimal plant growth that maximizes efficient use of resources and provides greater return on investment on the farm.