Active hydraulic downforce for planters

With the active hydraulic downforce system, Tempo instantly reacts to changes in soil conditions, always maintaining the set optimum row unit pressure. This provides all seeds the same conditions, and high growth potential.
Active hydraulic downforce ensures each individual row unit applies the right pressure

Challenges of varying soil conditions

Varying soil types and compaction layers pose challenges when setting the optimal row unit downforce for the planter. Too low a pressure risks causing a collapsed seed furrow and uneven planting depth, while too high a pressure may cause sidewall compaction that disturbs root development and makes closing the furrow harder.

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Row unit for Väderstad Tempo precision planter

Automatic downforce for optimal contact pressure

The active hydraulic downforce system allows the driver to set an optimal contact pressure between the Tempo row unit gauge wheels and the soil. This result is then maintained automatically. To ensure the optimal result in the field, each individual row unit on the planter will either add or release downforce depending on the soil condition.

If the soil is harder in a certain field area, more force will be added to the row units when planting there. If the soil is lighter, force will be released from the row unit.

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Emerging suger beets

Versatility across conditions and crops

Since the active hydraulic downforce system can both add and release force to the Tempo row unit, it is capable of handling a full range of field conditions, making the planter highly versatile. This adaptability also extends to the needs of different crops. The ability to release force, thereby reducing the weight on the row units, is particularly beneficial when planting small-seeded crops such as sugar beets at a shallow planting depth.

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Dynamic downforce adjustment

  • Driver-controlled settings: Allows the operator to set the initial optimal contact pressure which the system then maintains.
  • Individual row monitoring: Each row unit independently adjusts its downforce in response to real-time soil feedback.
  • Versatile soil management: Capable of handling various soil types and conditions, from heavy clay to light sandy soils.
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Enhanced crop development

  • Preventing seed furrow collapse: Maintains the right pressure to avoid uneven planting depths.
  • Reducing sidewall compaction: Ensures that roots can develop without disruption, promoting healthier growth.
  • Improving furrow closure: Facilitates easier soil closing around the seed, critical for optimal growth.
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Optimal pressure control

  • Immediate adjustment: Reacts instantly to changes in soil conditions, ensuring each seed is planted with consistent pressure.
  • Uniform seed conditions: Maintains the optimum pressure across all rows, giving every seed the best start.
  • Adaptive force application: Automatically adjusts, adding or releasing force based on soil density and type.
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Active hydraulic downforce is available for:

1240 acres in 24 hours

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