Introducing the new DeepLoosening Marathon point

Väderstad introduces the new DeepLoosening Marathon point. The subsoiling DeepLoosening Marathon point, adds breaking capacity down to 40cm depth for the TopDown and Opus cultivators.

- The DeepLoosening Marathon point offers a cost-effective way of subsoiling down to 40cm depth. It breaks deep compactions to thereby benefit root growth as well as increase the water uptake capacity in wet field regions, says Magnus Samuelsson, Concept developer, at Väderstad.

The DeepLoosening Marathon point is fitted as an add-on to the tines of the TopDown or Opus cultivators, thereby working as a compliment to the main point of the machine. To maximise output the DeepLoosening Marathon points are fitted to the last tine row of the cultivator.

- Since the TopDown and Opus cultivators are equipped with modular tines, the DeepLoosening Marathon point can be combined with a full range of Väderstad points, says Magnus Samuelsson, and adds:

- Combining DeepLoosening Marathon with a mixing point provides deep drainage and capillarity restoration at 40cm depth, while fully mixing down to 30cm depth. Together with the unique BreakMix point, the farmer is able to only mix in the topsoil, while DeepLoosening Marathon breaks down to 40cm depth.

The new DeepLoosening Marathon point is constructed with hard metal Marathon reinforcements. This ensures an extremely long working life in the field. DeepLoosening Marathon has it premiere at the agricultural tradeshow Agritechnica 2019. It will be available in the market from spring 2020.